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- The Organizer reserves the right to accept or reject applications without assigning any reason thereof. The acceptance of applications and the number of stalls allotted along with the tariff will be intimated separately. Exhibitors need to make remittance towards stall rent after receiving the intimation from the organizers in this regard.
- In case of natural disaster or if circumstances so warrant, the organizer reserves the right to postpone, alter or cancel the Fair. In case the Fair is cancelled before the inauguration, rental collected will be refunded at the earliest after deducting tax.
- The accepted applications will be considered as an agreement (under the accepted terms) between the Exhibitor and the Organizer, subject to the availability of space.
- Applications received are considered on a first come, first served basis, according to the waiting list.
- Display of relevant banners, posters, etc. on or within the stand is permitted. However, no display will be allowed outside the stall. All external (of the stand) publicity is chargeable. For advertisements outside the Exhibitor's stand/s please contact the Organizer's office.
- Once booking of the stall is made by an exhibitor, the same cannot be cancelled or altered under any circumstances. No refund of the rental will be made or adjusted.
- Stall allotment letters indicating the section nos. and stall nos. will be intimated to the exhibitor.
- While the organizer will carry out general Cleaning, Exhibitors will be responsible for the cleanliness of their respective stands during the Fair.
- Any of the terms and conditions mentioned above may be relaxed or modified at the discretion of the competent authority of the Organizer whose decision will be final and binding.
- The Organizer will provide round-the-clock security arrangement during the Fair. However, the Organizer is not liable for the loss or damage to the goods and property of the Exhibitors. Exhibitors are, therefore, advised not to leave their stands or their belongings unattended during the Fair timings.
- Exhibitors are advised to avail insurance for their respective stalls at their own cost.