Co-operative Movement in Kerala

Co-operative movement in Kerala is one of the most vibrant people-driven movements in the Country. It has an ideological base and economic goal with social perspectives with strong democratic legal frame work and have an own Co-operative policy. The co-operatives in Kerala has influence and transform most areas of economic and social life in both rural and urban area. About 16256 Co-operative Societies are functioning under the administrative control of Registrar of Co-operative Societies, of which 4148 societies are credit societies.

Co-operative Societies in the state have played a vital role in the economic uplift of the people particularly the weaker and margnalised people in rural areas. The co-operatives in the state have an extensive network, engaged in various promotional activities, particularly in agricultural credit, public distribution system, distribution of agricultural commodities, health, education including  professional education, housing, agro processing, SC/ST sector, women development etc. and have made an impressive progress and serve the people in diverse economic activities. The movement has made a tremendous progress in all the sectors, covering all spheres in the life of the people. Apart from the above number of co-operative societies, Kerala Co-operative Movement also contain the co-operatives registered and functions under different functional registrars.